Friday, February 14, 2025

Day One Great Backyard Bird Count, Lake Wichita Spillway


Beautiful clear morning on
Lake Wichita

It was a cold start to the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC). I started at the Lake Wichita Spillway, arriving just a few minutes before 8 AM. I admit, it was a little warmer than yesterday and not quite as windy, but the wind off the water this morning was still a bit cold with temps in the 20's.

I only stayed 35 minutes, but saw some good birds., mostly water birds. I haven't found any dead birds in my outings, so hoping the bird flu is staying away from our area.

I saw some ducks that I didn't immediately know so I took a short video. The distance was farther than I would have liked, but it turned out between the poor quality video and my memory of the markings I saw through my binoculars, I was able to identify them as lesser scaups. Their plumage was overall dark, with the base of the bill white, which is not what I am used to seeing. I learn something every day.

All told, I saw 15 species of birds in that 35 minutes, so it was worth getting out in the cold. The birds seen included: green-winged teal, northern shoveler, ruddy duck, mallard, lesser scaup, American coot, Canada goose, white pelican, double-crested cormorant, great blue heron, ring-billed gull. northern cardinal, American robin, red-winged blackbird, and great-tailed grackle. I also saw a couple of shorebirds I could not identify. I was looking toward the sun, so they were just black blobs in the general shape of a shorebird. I can tell you several shorebirds I can definitely say they were not, but couldn't be certain of what they were. That happens.

There are still three more days for the #GBBC, so get out and bird. It looks like the afternoons over then next few days are going to be nice. If you want to go with someone, I posted days, locations, and times in my previous post.

Good birding!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Lots of Upcoming Bird Activites

Bird walk at Lake Arrowhead

Most of us have been cooped up for some weeks and are ready to get out and find some birds. There are several opportunities coming up to learn more about the hobby, practice identifying birds, and just enjoy watching their antics.

Since I got interrupted when starting this and didn't get back to editing in a timely fashion, I am leaving off today's Birding 101 class at Smith's Gardentown and the monthly hike at Lucy Park.  I need to do better.

So, let's look at some other opportunities.

First, the monthly bird outing at Lake Arrowhead State Park will be Saturday, Feb 8, beginning at 8 AM. Entry fees to the park apply, so come a little early as you will need to use the self-pay station. The entry is $4 per person, unless you have a park pass. The outing is fairly level and we tend to saunter, so if isn't a strenuous activity. We occasionally have individuals with limited mobility come, so it is doable by pretty much anyone. The route is about 1 mile and may take anywhere from 1 - 2 hours, depending upon the weather and the birds. Meet at the admin building parking lot near the fishing pier.

Next, the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is Feb 14 - 17. You can take part in your yard or a local park for as little as 15 minutes. The idea is to document as many birds as possible in that time. For information about the count and how to submit your information, you can read the instructions here, or if you prefer a better visual, watch this webinar.

If you are new to watching birds, or just want to go with someone, here are some places and times I specifically set aside for this event. I would be happy to have you come along.

  • 14 Feb, 8:00 - 8:45 AM, Lake Wichita Spillway (this is a short one as I have another appointment at 9:00)
  • 15 Feb, 9:00 - 11:00, Lake Arrowhead State Park. Meet at the same location as for the monthly bird outing.
  • 16 Feb, 9:00 - 11:00, Wichita Bluff Nature Area. Meet at the trail head off Seymour Hwy. This is a paved trail, a little more challenging due to the hills. The distance will be around 2 miles.
  • 17 Feb, 9:00 - 11:00, Lucy Park, Meet at the 3rd Street entrance parking area. We will be staying on the paved trail which is fairly level. My intent is to walk the trail to the falls and on down behind the MPEC and back. 
You can see there are some opportunities to get out, enjoy being outside, and see some birds.

Good birding!