Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Catching Up

I can't believe it has been so long since I posted--seems like just a few days. Time flies, as they say.

Last week, on one of my round trips to/from Cresson, I had a wading birds day: great blue heron, cattle egrets, green heron, little blue heron and a great egret all seen from the car at various points along the way. The green egret was flying down the middle of the road as if it was pacing my car.

Wild Bird Rescue is picking up. I volunteer as a rehabilitator there on many Saturdays and we are at the point where the work load is busy but a person can keep up. Within the next week or two, it will be hectic and I will hope to have at least some volunteer help. It appears promising--on my last Saturday I had a very nice couple helping out, who appear to have the right view of the job. It is harder than most people think, with a lot of manual, dirty labor. Many prospective volunteers find it is more than they want to take on, so I really appreciate those who hang in there during the long, stressful summer. If you might be interested in learning more, call Bob Lindsay at Wild Bird Rescue at 940-691-0828.

Good birding!

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