Saturday, November 13, 2010

Project Feederwatch Season

Today marks the first day of the Project Feederwatch (PFW) season. I made sure my feeders were full yesterday. I feed all year around, but, once PFW season starts, I make sure whatever feeders are up are full. At the beginning of the season, I only have a few up; by mid-winter, I will be running around 10.

Anyway, I was laying in bed this morning enjoying a few minutes of quiet before the animals figured out I was awake (how do they know?) and started making their wishes known and hoping that the first birds of the season would not be house sparrows. We have a lot of house sparrows around our house, but I can count them any day.

The first trip this morning yielded no birds at all. Later, when I was getting ready to head out to Wild Bird Rescue, there were three birds at the feeders. One female cardinal at the black oil sunflower and two house sparrows at the millet. The cardinal made me feel better about the house sparrows. We're off to a good start!

Good birding!

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