Friday, January 1, 2021

Starting the New Year Right!

I don't know about you, but I allowed COVID to disrupt my life way too much last year. In some ways, life went on as normal. I am not the most social person in the first place, so staying home more wasn't that difficult. However, I allowed the pandemic to interfere with birding and with sharing the joy of birds with others. And that's a shame. So, I've decided that this year, in 2021, I am going to get back to birdwatching and sharing that with those of you who may still be catching this blog. On the other hand, I have talked to a few people who were not into watching birds who called me at some point during the year to tell me they were very much enjoying watching the birds in their yard during increased time at home. So, perhaps we have some new converts.

Happy New Year! We had some snow last night. As you can see in the pictures, it wasn't a lot and it will all melt today, as our temperatures are supposed to get into the 40's. It's pretty though so I am enjoying it. The other good thing about cold weather and snow is that it brings more birds to the feeders.

I have been working gradually on improving my small yard for birds and pollinators. My neighbors aren't helpful--they all have pretty barren yards. However, my efforts have started paying off. A couple of months ago, I had my very first Carolina Chickadee in my yard. This morning, I started the new year off with a bang--I saw a Spotted Towhee in my yard for the first time, searching in the leaves that my neighbors hate that I refuse to rake. I wasn't able to get a picture before she left, but it was a nice start to the day. Neither of these birds is uncommon in our area, but they haven't visited my yard in the 9 years I have lived here. Progress!

This is a great time of year to plant some perennials in your yard to attract and feed the birds and pollinators in 2021 and for years after.

Good birding!

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