Friday, January 14, 2011

Experiment with Twitter

Well, I've been hearing so much about Twitter, I decided to play with it. I don't really see how it can be all that exciting, but I may not understand it. Anyway, decided giving it a try with a hobby is relatively low threat. If you have a twitter account and want to follow (not that I expect to make many tweets), then you can find me @birdwithpenny. If you're a tweeting birder (doesn't that sound strange?), let me know and I will follow you for a while.

Unfortunately, the name of my blog was already taken as a Twitter user name, so I had to come up with something else. I can't say the result was all that original, but it fits.

For now, I have the tweets posting to this blog. We'll see how it goes. It may turn out to be a real short experiment and it might turn out to be really cool.

Good birding!


Penny Miller said...

Well, now all I have to do is figure out why the tweets aren't feeding over to the blog. Always something.

Elizabeth B Hawley said...

You can tweet us when you see the tundra swans.

Penny Miller said...

Still haven't figured out how to make it work, but I did tweet this AM about it anyway! Just didn't come through to the blog.