Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Long Time, No "See"!

Washed out sign

It has been quite a while since I posted to this blog. Longer than I thought when I looked.  I have had people periodically ask when I was going to get back to writing. The answer is, Now!

The good news (for me) is that I am retiring (mostly), and one of the things I plan to spend a lot more time doing is birdwatching. 

I spent some time out today in Lake Wichita Park, primarily along the Chat Trail. A beautiful morning, although the trail was empty. I notice that if the temperature is below 50, there aren't many people out and about.

I didn't see anything spectacular, but it was still a good morning. I did notice the sign about birds was washed out along the bottom from the sun. It's going to happen, but the Parks Department needs to change the sign. I know this isn't the greatest picture, but as luck would have it, the sun was in the wrong place to get a good photo.

The birds this morning along the chat trail:

Canada goose

Double-crested cormorant

Mallard duck

Ring-billed gull

White-winged dove

Northern flicker

Blue jay


Northern cardinal


Harris' sparrow

Song sparrow

White-crowned sparrow

Dark-eyed junco

Yellow-rumped warbler

Ruby-crowned kinglet

Red-winged blackbird

American goldfinch

I hope to have many more birding outings to tell you about.

Good birding!

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